The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71396   Message #1221331
Posted By: Bat Goddess
08-Jul-04 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: My problem is back (from Kendall 07 Jul 04)
Subject: RE: BS: My problem is back
Plenty of good thoughts zooming your way from our neck of the woods -- enough for a veritable dome of positive energy to surround you. You've been through enough, fer-pete's-sake (why? and who is Pete anyway?!?). If the gods are merciful it'll turn out to be a minor blip and easily remedied -- an annoyance, not a catastrophe. (Nearly had a CAT-astrophe this morning as a skunk sauntered across my deck between the pots of tomatoes and chives and down the steps just as black cat Sabine was waiting respectfully to use those same steps to come into the house.)

We're cheering for you, Cap'n -- you definitely need a respite from bodily ailments. ("Out damned Spot!" as Lady Macbeth said to her dog just before he squatted on the rug.)

Lotsa love,