The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71319   Message #1221342
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Jul-04 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: New thread on WMD
Subject: RE: BS: New thread on WMD

Look who is talking about making proclamations! If he can't argue lucidly on a topic, he accuses others of making proclaimations--a royal prerogative to be dismissed, though I think you would do well to consider Canute. (Standing in for Canute this year are France and the U.N.)

The block quote above is BB's argument in a nutshell, Bobert. He doesn't read all that we've sent, he starts name-calling, then challenges us to wade through this shit of his and apparently find some kernel of logic to address. It ain't there.

There were a whole bunch of UN resolutions--and the ones that Bush used to justify war Saddam DID comply with. Go figure. Most of what BB is calling Weapons of Mass Destruction are gone, and the broken or elderly bits and shards that are turning up are so clearly in the category of "oops, missed them" that they simply don't carry any clout when trying to justify war. The fact that nasty ol' Saddam wanted to save face so concealed from the world the fact that he had to back down and destroy his weapons is now staring Dubya (and BB) in the face. BB wants his cake and wants to eat it, too. He wants war in Iraq and he wants to justify it with the scraps that are dribbling out of Iraq now. Bush took that gamble and lost, and now is prevaricating as fast as his feet can backpedal to try to distract people from the truth. BB hasn't figured this out.

Bobert, you're right. BB's an ideologue, he's not rational, and there is simply no point in trying to make any points with this guy, because he just throws around more nonsense (of his own creation) and expects hopes people will jump through his hoops. If they play his game his way, then he apparently thinks he gains credibility.