The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71148   Message #1221730
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jul-04 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqi Sovereignty
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqi Sovereignty
No, T-Bird, I do have a clue.

First of all, there was no need even to assasinate Saddam or attack Iraq. We tried to tell yout side that during the run-up-to-war but you all defended every danged thing that dribbled out of Bush's mouth. Yup, every drop of drool. Gotta hand it to you folks. When it comes to "true believin'" ya' all's up to the task...

But there you all were talking about aluminum tubes that you were sure would soon be translated into mushroom clouds...

But let's say that Bush had decided that Saddam had to go and assasinated him. What would have most likely happened is someone in the Baath Party and very close to Saddam would have stepped in to fill the void and business would go along purdy much as usual.

But then two different scenerios would have come about:

1. Bush would have sent someone from the State Department to try to get the new guy to play nicer than Saddam was percieved to have been playing. If this had occured this envoy could have reminded the new guy that the US had more bullets. Hint, hint...

2. Or Bush could have just made the new guy the new and improved boogie man, kept up the sanctions and crossed his fingers that the new and improved guy would be, ahhhh, new and improved...

Either way, upwards of 20,000 Iraqi's and 800 Americans would still be alive and well. Either way, Iraq would not be spinning out of control. Either way, terrorist wouldn't have this made-for-them theater for their misdeeds.
