The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71385   Message #1222114
Posted By: Jack The Lad
09-Jul-04 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: Bo Dodi-Israeli folk song
Subject: RE: Bo Dodi-Israeli folk song
Wonderful that you found it Artbrooks. I couldnt find it on Israeli search engines- which is hardly surprising as it is a real old folkdance- not popular anymore here.
So the least I can do is translate it for anyone interested!( Beat you to it Sol)

Bo Dodi

Bo dodi alufi hagorna
Sham simcha sham tsohala
Bo'i yafati bimcholot netsei'a
Hachatan vehakala

Come my lover, my champion, to the granary
There is happiness, there is joy,
Come my beautiful one,let us go forth in dance,
The groom and the bride---( HaKalah-The bride JTL)

T'nu tsilchem harei Efrayim
Zamru zemer lakotsrim
Ve'atem kochvai shamayim
Ronu ronu ladodim
Give your shade, O Mountains of Efraim,
Sing a song to the harvesters,
And you O stars of the sky,
Be happy, happy for the lovers.

A beautiful song indeed.
Jack The Lad -in Israel