The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71430   Message #1222167
Posted By: Raptor
09-Jul-04 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spirituality
Subject: RE: BS: Spirituality
I have been noticing that the people who talk about spirituality and needing healing are people who would greatly benifit by just accepting who they are and stop wanting to change themselves to be something they think they should be!

I've taken up Hand drumming and Dayla and I have found a couple of drum circles to attend one of them is full of people who seem to act like professional victoms the are in need of some sort of healing for being downtrodden. They are a huggy group and seem very phony. They speak about love and happiness but to talk to them at lunch after the drum circle they are a pissed off back bitting group of people!

I have also met people who are very happy with who they are and seem to be doing great and those are the people who are a pleasure to be around!

I'm not knocking spiritual persuits, I find yoga to be a great way to relax the mind and body and I know many people who benifit from Ti chi and chi gong, and find zen writings a great way to open up the mind.