The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70952   Message #1223410
Posted By: Big Mick
11-Jul-04 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: Big Mick to Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Big Mick to Colorado Springs
The waters that kat is referring to are the hot springs for which Glenwood Springs is named.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable time. Any time that you can get folks that appreciate your music is a success.   We just sat and played and apparently folks enjoyed it. That is a good thing, eh?

I am going to have to call Bert's family and apologize profusely. The time I had in Colorado Springs was limited and filled with events surrounding the wedding of my daughter. I just couldn't break away. That is disappointing as Bert's family is charming and I would have loved to see them again. I hope you will forgive me, my friend. I had the numbers with me, but it just wasn't to be. I will call them tomorrow.

When we left kat, we got a room in Glenwood Springs for the night. The next morning we had a dip, did breakfast, and then headed on the next leg of the trip which involved the Rocky Mountain National Park. No matter how many times I drive through this priceless jewel, I am still struck dumb by the beauty of God's fantastic creation. I have always had a special relationship with mountains, and it needs refreshing from time to time. Usually I pack off for a few days in them on my own. But given the recent medical problems I had, as well as the aforementioned time crunch, I had to settle for a drive through them. But the elk cooperated and we had a marvellous drive. I would advise anyone who visits Colorado to drive through on US34, preferably from west to east. One nice thing that happened was that we stopped at the trading post at the Alpine Summit. It was sleeting, but from about 500 ft. above the treeline, one can look down on the peaks. We ran into my daughter and her new husband, who were on their way to do a little camping in the mountains for their honeymoon. She is her Da's daughter.

I cracked up that when I was late, kat had to call my beloved friend, Jeri, to let her know that I had arrived safe and sound. These Mudcat women are not to be trifled with ...... hahahaha. They WILL track you down. I owe you one, Ms. Corlew, when I see you. ***bg***

I loved the time I spent with kat. She epitomizes the Mudcat saying of "old friends, just met". We go back a long way around these parts, and to finally get to sit and just enjoy each others company was wonderful. And to be able to sing and chat with Night Owl was a bonus. Thanks for your patience, darlin'. I completely misjudged the amount of time it would take to get to New Castle, but there you were. I love ya!! Sure hope we get to do a gathering out in that area again soon.

All the best,
