The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71440   Message #1223937
Posted By: Ebbie
12-Jul-04 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Puffs in the church.
Subject: RE: BS: Puffs in the church.
You know, when there is a discussion on homosexuality- among just about any mixed group- I have to wonder just how silly we're going to feel when eventually the last word on causality gets known.

I'm not homosexual, as it happens- and believe me, I think it just happened that I'm not; I had nothing to do with it- but it doesn't threaten me.

When someone speaks of being gay or lesbian as a lifestyle or a choice or even a preference, it makes me laugh. Anyone who thinks of it that way is saying the equvalent of 'If you decided to or gave yourself the chance or met the 'right' person, you would not be lesbian or gay.' In actuality we will continue to respond and react to the side we innately favor.

If it were an actual choice, then any close relationship between two people would have the probability of becoming a sexual relationship. And that is not so. If I, for example, spend a great deal of time with a female friend, or learn to love and admire her very much, I may become closer to her than to any other human being in my life- but it will not necessarily involve any sexual feelings at all.

In that sense, sexual acts are just another way to come to feel close to another human being. There are numerous routes to closeness.

Believing this as I do, it makes no sense to me at all that heterosexual people should feel any sense of superiority. The homosexual could be you- and in all likelihood, in another lifetime, will be you.

(It is true that I don't want to dwell on the sexual acts between two men, but it is also true that I don't want to dwell on the acts between two different-sex people!)