The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71525   Message #1224086
Posted By: vectis
12-Jul-04 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Wanted: Tenor guitar
Subject: RE: Wanted: Tenor guitar
I'm not sure I haven't the foggiest what tenor guitars are worth compared to standard ones. E-bay wasn't much help they all seemed to be cheap-but-won't-ship-outside-the-US; or expensive when you consider that the buyer has to take the risk on an instrument they have no chance to play to make sure it's OK.
I can't afford to pay a huge amount but am willing to pay what an instrument is worth. I can't afford luthier prices and would struggle to pay Martin/Gibson prices.
Same sort of price as a middle of the road to inexpensive but not really cheap standard guitar I suppose.