The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71367   Message #1224133
Posted By: jack halyard
12-Jul-04 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: freda going to UK
Subject: RE: freda going to UK
For god's sake, you poor bastards, don't let her sing the one about Lorena Bobbit. It's totally disgusting, immoral, dispicable and its only redeeming feature is it's funny. Make sure she doesn't lose her books and don't let the fact that she left her camera at home fool you, she's a closet-or at least handbag-lid-sketcher and they're all fearsomely accurate sketches. Unfortunately she's left a number of her more useful minders back here in Oz, so it's uncertain what may happen- particularly to Tony Blair.( perhaps I shouldn't mention him in the same context as Lorena Bobbit.) anyway, people of Britain, you have been warned.   Jack Halyard.