The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46598   Message #1224461
Posted By: GUEST,Doxy
13-Jul-04 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: One More Pull
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Shanty - One More Pull
Hi Guys, thanks for those words,
same chorus, completely different words to the verses I was after.
This is what I remember:-

First verse
It's been three years since you saw her boy
something about will she still be waiting by the dockside

another verse
You're looking mighty fine boy
dressed up in your number ones
cadged a razor from the purser
scraped the bum fluff from your chin

another verse
starts about if she's there on the dock side & goes on to
turn, give us a wave

then there's another verse about the rest of the crew doing the usual things in pubs ( their women weren't waiting i assume)

last verse
Well a man may have a wife boy
and a man may have a mistress
but a sailors wife's his ship boy
and his mistress is the sea

Sorry should have posted these scraps in the first place. Want to do this version if we can piece it together, faithfull woman stuff is a bit off the Doxy theme but I'm a romantic at heart!
Chears Doxy