The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71543 Message #1224690
Posted By: dwditty
13-Jul-04 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: PLEASE defend the SAW
Subject: RE: PLEASE defend the SAW
I have a friend who is a second generation saw player. We have performed together some (I play guitar and sing). Ken has been playing nearly half a century and I have never heard anyone come close...recordings and instruction tapes included. I once heard him play selections from The Messiah accompanied by organ, two violins, and oh man. The man has an ear and can play along with just about anybody in any style of music. Sandvik still makes a model called - yup - The Stradivarius.
PS. I even went so far as to purchase a saw and bow...after a couple of months, I gave it to Ken. nuff said.