The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71566   Message #1224937
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jul-04 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: List of troublemakers on Mudcat.........
Subject: RE: BS: List of troublemakers on Mudcat.........
Well, while I think it real "brown shirtism" to point out the "troublemakers" I don't think it's out of bounds fir troublemakers to steo forward. But only if they wish...

I am a troublemaker! Hey, I like being a troublemaker. Someone has to do it...

But I would like to think I do it with a level of humor and respect for those with whom I disagree...

Now, I will admit to calling *ne*other Catter "sick" and told that Catter that I would not be interacting much with them because of their behavior. That's about as close as I have come to disrespecting someone personally.

However, if anyone else has felt that I personally attacked them, I would appreciate them PM'ing me fir an apology...
