The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71566   Message #1225035
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
13-Jul-04 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: List of troublemakers on Mudcat.........
Subject: RE: BS: List of troublemakers on Mudcat.........
This seems a harmless enough topic for a thread to me. Of course, there's always room for somone to turn it nasty, but that applies to anything.

"Troublemakers" is a very ambiguous word. It can mean, at one end of the scale, people who make waves, and at the other end, people who try to poison the waterhole. In between there are people muddying the water to one degree or another.

In the right circumstances "troublemaking" is a desirable thing. The missing beatitude is "Blessed are the Troublemakers" - though maybe it's implied in "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice".

I think there's a big difference between enjoying a discussion on the Midcat, even a disputatious discussion, and attempting to turning such discussions into quarrels. And friendly insults between people who wish to be friends are a very different matter from hostile insults directed at people identified as enemies, on the basis of some disagreement.