The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71436   Message #1225097
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
14-Jul-04 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Sir jOhn From Hull-taxi driver
Subject: RE: Sir jOhn From Hull-taxi driver
anywaty=i think i spelled tomar toes wrong, but i;m not botherd this is music [and taxi driver etc] site, not spelllingf site,
some people like to showing off whith there spelling [look at me, i can spelling etc], they think they bloody great, but they not, they rubbish]

you think spelling is importunt?
it isent!
truck driving is importanyt=i explane why=

everetything in your house, and evertyinhg you eat, has been on a truck, so=
if there was no drivers, you woud starve to death, and have no telly, so just think about it,...
and wehn you see any truck drivers, you shoud say thank you to them, becouse you would be right in thr shit without them, so just think about it.

office people are rubbish,they just sit in therer office and fart all day, and the drivers etc do all the work, but office people think they bloddy great, just becouse they good at spelling [wankers].

and anyway# if ypou go to hospitul for operation, do you think the operation bloke is good at spelling?
no=well then.

you coud go to heart by pass place and say " is that heart docotr good at spelling, and if they say no, waht you going to do then?, probly die, thats waht!

[taxi driver and truck driverr don;t neeed to be good at spelling.

and tyhanks LEs , for saying good things about my driving, [les and maggie been in my car, ands loads of hull people]

and I am Class 3 Advanced Driver, and i droved loads of miles,
and i only had 2 acccidents in my life, and they was not my fault
1=i was pissed
and 2 i dident have my glassis on, and dident see the other car.

and i drove oveer 500,000 miles, and tyhats the only acciddents i had.