The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2574   Message #1225586
Posted By: GUEST,Anne Croucher
14-Jul-04 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: The Testimony Of Patience Kershaw-child miner
Subject: RE: Lyrics: song about child labor & girl coal miner
I have an article from a magazine about the women who worked on the pit top washing and sorting the coal, and breaking it up to the sort of size used for domestic fires. They were actually quite proud of their strength and their ability to work a full shift doing hard work.

The miners union forced them out of work and their jobs were given to men who were invalided out from the coal face.

I have to smile at the people who want to stop child labour and child slavery - they don't seem to realise that the children are put to work to earn a living as opposed to dying and that if a child has an owner they are likely to be fed and housed, maybe even have medical treatment if they are ill. The families are actually trying to keep their children alive in circumstances most people in First World coountries can't believe exist today.

The real culprits are the wealthy nations who manipulate governments and economies - and if a country offends by trying to up the price or retain a raw material it is punished - maybe invaded or the World Bank will not lend money.

On a smaller scale just look at how our UK pits were closed down to teach the mining communities a lesson.
