The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71609   Message #1225689
Posted By: freda underhill
14-Jul-04 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Psychopaths in the Workplace
Subject: BS: Psychopaths in the Workplace
I heard an interesting radio show this morning, about psychopaths. Apparently 1 in every 100 of us is a psychopath, there is a checklist (the Psychopath Check List) and the leader in the field, Dr Robert Hare, who has besically strudied and defined the modern day psychopath, is now studying psychpopaths in the workplace (apparently they can do well in certain corporations).

Apparently a psychopath's cold-blooded ability to manipulate others without remorse, coupled to a veneer of charm, may make them extremely successful in many walks of life - including big business and politics.

hmm.. reminds me of a certain boss I had a couple of years ago...

Professor Hare, of the University of British Columbia in Canada, has been studying psychopathic behaviour in the workplace and is devising tools that may help businesses spot them before it is too late.