The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14352   Message #122592
Posted By: Dani
10-Oct-99 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Subject: Getaway: thank you all
Well, I've arrived safely home, tired and very, very happy. Later I'll have time to reflect on the weekend and share some memories, but I wanted to pass some thanks on.

Max, you are the midwife who helped the mudcat, whatever it is, into being. It's a wonderful thing and I hope you are proud of what you've created. I think the FSGW was pleased to have us: one comment I heard from a non-mudcatter, "We didn't know what to expect, but there were NO DUDS among them!"

Dick, Susan, and so many others up there who scattered the seeds that grew into this fabulous garden: thanks for everything, but especially the music. You're treasures.

Charlie and all the other FSGW folks: I felt like a welcome guest at your party. Your enthusiasm and joy were infectious and I am grateful for your warm hospitality to this merry bunch of interlopers.

More later. Y'all missed quite a party... and YOU were missed and thought of often.
