The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71630   Message #1226550
Posted By: SINSULL
15-Jul-04 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kendall's Good News (15 Jul 04)
Subject: BS: Kendall's Good News
Isn't it just like the old crank to worry us to death with his cancer scares and then fail to report in after the tests? Dammit Kendall! I have waited for hours for you to announce your doctor's verdict and here we are, almost 8PM, and nothing!

Don't want to steel his thunder but...we spent a near wordless 2+ hours in the car on the way down to Boston. I will skip over parking the car and walking 3 miles in the wrong direction (as per instructions) only to find that I had parked around the corner from the doctor's office.

Amid screaming babies and and an even more annoying group who asked every person in the room ("Are you a Christian? You look like a Chritian?" except me. I refused to make eye contact - a skill I learned i in the NY Subway System.

Anyway, the Captain was called in and I waited. After 45 minutes I started to get worried and even more worried when the receptionist pointed me out to a nurse and said "She's waiting for Kendall Morse". Not knowing what to expect i moved closer to the front desk as Kendall came out of the examing area and did a little dance.

It was wonderful to breathe again. It was even wonderful to have him bitching about how hungry he was and if I didn't find a restaurant soon... I even was amused at "Get your ass out of the car!"...and you all think he is such a sweetheart.

We shared the worst meal I have ever had in my life bar none at a Chinese Thai Korean buffet. Nasty, cold, and seasoned with something weird. The only they did right was the coffee - go figure.

Kendall was relieved and exhausted. He even let me drive all the way home. Miracle of miracles - he recited two Luke The Drifter poems/songs for me. Upon walking in the door he discovered that his cousin Harold was "to home" and had tracked dog droppings through the whole place, carpets and all. His good mood carried him weightlessly through the clean-up process. I left with Seamus.

So - I think it would not be amiss to berate the old crank ferociously for failing to report in in a timely manner. Go for it 'Catters.

Kendall can give you the medical details when he gets around to it.