The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71430   Message #1226968
Posted By: Jeri
16-Jul-04 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spirituality
Subject: RE: BS: Spirituality
Good artical, and it makes clear some of the problems when discussing chi. People who seek to impress can often embellish things and give whatever their subject is a bad reputation. A quote from the artical: "Chi theory states that the function of the human body is based on a system of energy that circulates throughout all other existing systems and integrates with them all. There is no evidence that such a system exists."

'A system of energy... other than 'all other existing systems' is sort of like saying 'a thing other than all things', and is just a tad bit...'duh'. It also demonstrates a fundemental flaw some dubunkers can have: they don't WANT to see, so they don't try to understand, only find flaws. I don't believe in magical explanations, so I look for the earthly ones. I try to look a bit sideways at things.

I see chi as neurological 'energy', both chemical and electric, and the brain (and mind) is the most important componenent. People used to scoff when someone said they could slow their heartbeat, because it was controlled by the limbic system and couldn't be consciously affected. Well we DO have some conscious control. We can slow our heartbeats and respiration, expand or constrict blood vessels, releive or tolerate pain, etc. No one can yet explain exactly WHY a conscious mind can do these things, what the mechanism is, but it happens.