The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71430   Message #1227044
Posted By: Two_bears
16-Jul-04 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spirituality
Subject: RE: BS: Spirituality
I yet have to see one demonstration by a martial artist (in video or in reality) that is unexplainable by today's knowledge. A good start is the old book by Houdini, Miracle mongers and their methods, the last chapters about strongmen.

I have seen many things that are unexplainable by today's science happen under my hands.

1. I was at the laundry mat doing laundry, and I heard a lady (Tammy F.) scream outside. I went outside to ask her what was wrong. She said she had injured her hand at work two days before. Her index finger had been numb, and she had been unable to move her thumb for two days, and her doctor had reported that she HAD to have surgery to repair the tendons, muscles and nerves.

I picked up her laundry basket and carried it inside. After we got inside; I introduced myself as an energy healer, and offered to do a healing for her hand. She refused and said "I don't believe in any of that crap.". I said "if the energy does not help; it certainly will not hurt anything.". At this point she held her hand out. I did my deep breathing, then ggently held her hand between my hands, and I used the prayer picture of her using that hand to cut paper dolls for her daughter with a pair of scisors. About 30 seconds into the healing, she exclaimed "How do your hands get so hot?" I explained that it was the energy coming through me. About a minute into the healing' we both observed redness at the wrist, and began going up her arm. After sending energy into her hand for 3-4 minutes; I released her hand and asked how her hand felt. She moved her thumb gingerly and dropped her jaw in amazement. then she wiggled her thumb normaly and exclaimed "Damn! This is cool!" I defy you to define that by current science.

2. In 1980; I was diagnosed with a terminal disease, and was given 6-12 months to live. I went from riding a motorcycle to riding a wheelchair. I started directing this energy to my weakened back and legs. and 8 weeks later; I walked away from the wheelchair.

3. Last November I gave a HUNA workshop in Atlanta. Joy H (one of the attendees had injured her foot previously, and she appeared 70 years old. During one of the breaks; she asked me to do a healing on her foot. I did the deep breathing. and held her ankle. at first NOTHING happened. so I asked her what she enjoyed doing, and after a bit of coaxing; she smiled and said that she enjoyed dancing; so I changed the prayer picture from her walking pain free to dancing. After two or three minutes; there was a big smile on her face, and she said "Two Bears: I do not know what happened; but I felt something shift" Everyone saw Mrs. Hill Walk around the rest of the day pain free. After I finished teaching this spiritual technology; everyone received a healing. At the end of the day; Mrs. Hill appeared 20 years younger at the end of the day.

Both Daylia, and LH witnessed the incident with Mrs. Hill and more last November.

I can't take credit for the healings because I am NOT responsible for the healings. The higher powers, and the healee's subconscious (Unihipili) willing to receive a healing. The ONLY credit I can claim is gathering the energy and choosing a good prayer picture.

What I see there is a mixture of misdirection (make the onlooker overlook the vital details

That is your perception.

Aloha nui loa