The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71571   Message #1227093
Posted By: Don Firth
16-Jul-04 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcatr people waht piss you off?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcatr people waht piss you off?
The person who calls himself "Martin Gibson" probably sees himself as some sort of secret identity superhero. The chances are that, in the 3D world, he appears and acts normal. Maybe people even think he's a nice guy. He probably thinks he's a nice guy. But then—like the seizures that assail David Banner just before he turns into The Hulk—the person who becomes "Martin Gibson" ducks into the closet and puts on his form-fitting Lycra spandex body stocking (form-fitting—oh God, what a horrible thought! I can't look!), his mask, and his cape, then comes out, goes to his computer, and accesses Mudcat. There, he becomes the person we've all learned to love so much as he Hulks it up.

He thinks that, as "Martin Gibson," he's only a made-up persona, and that "Martin Gibson" doesn't really exist in the real world. That's not who he—the 3D person who becomes "Martin Gibson" really is. In fact, several times he has said as much.

AHA! BUT—you can't really separate the various aspects of what you do and what you are unless you're either schizophrenic or have multiple personality disorder. Every individual is the totality of all the personalities he or she assumes. When "Martin Gibson" leaves the computer, goes back into the closet, changes out of his costume, and assumes his 3D identity (what he likes to think of as the "real" him), he is still the same person. Whoever "Martin Gibson" is in the 3D world, whether he thinks so or not, whether he likes it or not, he IS Martin Gibson.

He probably really wanted to become Fartman, but Howard Stern beat him to it.

Don Firth (channeling Carl Gustav Jung)