The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71667   Message #1227842
Posted By: bet
17-Jul-04 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alaska
Subject: RE: BS: Alaska
I guess I did forget to say I was in the Fairbanks area. I do have a block heater on my car and the coat, boot, etc. were great when I was here at Christmas and in March so I'll try them out for a while and see. The lady at the admin. building did say that substitute teachers where expected to do outside duty at 20 below. Boy those Colorado kids have it easy, we didn't send them out if it got below zero.
Thanks for the names and the festival coming up. I'll check both out.
Hey Mike, that's a wonderful sight! Thanks, I hope to meet you soon.
By the way, those who have met me know I really just like to listen and help out in the back room. My playing isn't much for anyone to hear so I keep it to myself. I had to leave my (new) guitar in Colorado as the chevy cavilar didn't have much room for any extras. As a college kid I use to brag that I could move everything in my 52 studebaker. Boy I can't say that now and I'm really missing some things.
Again , thanks to you all. bet