The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71430   Message #1227900
Posted By: SINSULL
17-Jul-04 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spirituality
Subject: RE: BS: Spirituality
I do not see arrogance or ego or a need to "toot one's own horn" and except for you no one else seems to either. Wolfgang has challenged Two Bears' statements but hasn't resorted to name calling. For someone who is not angry, you are doing a pretty good job of feigning anger.

Why for instance do you insist on mispelling his name?

I too have an utter contempt for people who claim to have a hotline to god. I was raised Roman Catholic and from the age of 9 questioned the concept that only priests and only men had that right or ability. Two Bears hasn't made that claim as far as I can see. He has said that he trained to learn how to channel energy and that any of us can achieve the same. If anyone is interested, he has offered his help as he was offered help when he needed it.

Maybe I need to rephrase my question: Why are you so vehement in questioning Two Bears' abilities and motives?