The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71667   Message #1228343
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Jul-04 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alaska
Subject: RE: BS: Alaska
MMmmmm...I remember the courdoroy upholstery and the slightly musty/dusty smell of it...just loverly to a little kid like me, PLUS it had an armrest/jumpseat in the middle of the backseat, right? Loved that car, too.

I can guarandamntee you all that when it comes to cold weather, my sis is no whimp and no stranger to it. She is one of the famous few who decided to walk to Easter Sunday services one year in Gunnison, CO when it was a balmy, sunny 35 or so below. And, she also lived where the wind-chill with blizzards, etc. brought temps down to the 50's and 60's below in WY. I know it's lower/colder and lasts longer up thar, but this is a Can-Do woman who really LIKES cold weather! (I don't know how it is we're related:-) Plus her daughter and son-in-law and grandson No. 1 have weathered it for two years now which just proves they come of good, hardy stock, right? **BG**

