The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037   Message #1228433
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
18-Jul-04 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
black walnut here,writing from the keyboard of Liz the Squeak!!!!

I am in heaven. Every day of this trip has been absolutely special. I just had an oasis moment....after a lovely meeting at the Red Lion, I took a few minutes to play and sing for a while on Liz and Paul's piano....(I couldn't fit my piano nor my harp into my suitcases).

Micca met us at King's Cross near to 9 3/4, and from thence we have enjoyed MUCH hospitality and good food and beverage, and excellent sightseeing tourguides. Tomorrow night we shall be driven to Stanstead and after another bout of Germany (more cheese!!!) make our way down to Switzerland.

I have made some spectacular friends.

Hugs to all here and back home (especially to those of you who are wondering why I haven't written you lately).
