The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037   Message #1228526
Posted By: Micca
18-Jul-04 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
You are VERY welcome, Debbie and Lisa,Black walnut carefully didnt mention attending a service at St. Pauls( THE St Pauls!!) today, ( I sat in, but only because it was Hayden (Nelson Mass) and Mozart ( Ave Verum Corpus) being sung) and then later a trip to the Tower of London and High Tea at Liz the Squeaks followed by a convivial evening at the BLACK Lion with Leadfingers, Liz, Limpit, CatsPHiddle. Manitas and Raedwulf (and your correspondent) and tomorrow, a trip up to Town and maybe some light recreational shopping is indicated ( they just do NOT know what happens when CatsPHidle gets loose on the shops!!) It has been a pleasure to meet you both.