The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037   Message #1228814
Posted By: GUEST,The piano at Liz the Squeak's house
19-Jul-04 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
Thank you for playing with me - it was delightful to be played properly, and so beautifully. I usually just get bashed by people smaller than I am and with sticky fingers. It's not so bad, but I wish she'd learn another tune.... Doe a deer gets very tedious on the 38th turn.

Sorry if I'm a little out of tune, it's been a while since I had my strings tweaked. And I'm sorry about the sticky key but someone small and loud had an accident with some juice.

I'm glad you didn't mind sharing my room, it's been such fun having you here. I don't get many people staying with me. And it meant that the furry things didn't jump on my keys in the middle of the night. I hope you didn't mind them jumping on you, you seemed surprised last night when one did. Don't worry, I'll get her back, I'll shut my lid down when she least expects it!

Please come back again soon, I need a REAL pianist who uses both hands!

Chuck, the piano.