The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71708 Message #1228857
Posted By: GUEST,Adolfo
19-Jul-04 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: The Spanish-Irish Connection
Subject: RE: Folklore: The Spanish-Irish Connection
Waw, that was deep indeed. Thanks again to all participants. I quite agree with Fear Faire on how difficult it would be to separate real stuff from simply accidental; however, I didn't intend to do more than a compillation, though, as you said, it would be of little use. But it would bea start, particularly if songs are divided, as you suggested, into 'simply rhyme', 'real Spain', 'Spanish leather, Spanish steed, Spanish steel', etc. And, most of all, it would be funny. Thanks for the titles as well. And , by the way, it is interesting you talk about ISidore and the EXPO, as I am from Seville myself, and writing straight from there right now!. Yes, I had the opportunity to listen to the 'Seville Suite' on the Day of Ireland at the EXPO. Also, I absolutely agree with Nerd about the Celticness of GAlicia. Celticness as such is moving a lot of money, and Galicia is very aware of that, the same as Asturias, Cantabria and some other Spanish areas. People there are no more Celtic than people from the rest of Spain, there's no trace of a possible Celtic language and, as a person who has travelled up and down the miles of Galicia, and walked the Way to Santiago de Compostela several times, people there are exactly the same as the ones you can meet anywhere in the Peninsula. Thanks again, and the search continues...