The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71732 Message #1228860
Posted By: Michael
19-Jul-04 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: Stainsby 2004
Subject: Stainsby 2004
Once again an excellent weekend, the weather was very kind, it had been promising a wet weekend all week and produced a few heavy showers but that was all. Credit must go to the team who were setting up on site all week, they must have endured some awful weather.
The PA was excellent but then, as usual it was presided over by genial John Ramsey.
Memorable musical events; One of the best Witches of Elswick sets I have heared for a while, Colcannon, an Australian band I hadn't seen before but will certainly look out for again, Rolling Stock's 'January Man'first outing and Anna Mudeka's Zimbabwean music, song and dance.
There was no burning willow sculpture this year but the Hiroshima Peace Flame was brought and passed on.