The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14352   Message #122898
Posted By: Charlie Baum
12-Oct-99 - 01:39 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
I just don't know what to say, partly because I'm still brain-dead from lack of sleep (who wants to sleep when they have all those people to make music with?) and partly because the weekend was so overwhelming... It'll take a few days to recover.

The FSGW has always tried to invite "outsiders" to the Getaway. The local bunch of us sing together for each other regularly all year long, so we're eager to hear people from beyond, people who have songs in their repertoire we haven't heard and muscial talents we haven't encountered. We're always trying to get our friends from folk clubs in the Northeast to come to the Getaway. Now we've got our friends from the Folk Club in Cyberspace coming to the Getaway! It was a year ago, after the 1998 Getaway (and also two years ago, after the 1997 Getaway) that the locals sat around moping: "Attendance at the Getaway is shrinking. Are we going to shrivel to nothing? We need to find new people." Well, you all have answered our prayers. So many good musicians, so much good music, good songs, good harmonies, good instrumentals...

Administrative trivia--

If anyone lost anything or thinks they've left stuff behind, send me an e-amil or better yet, a note on the mudcat message system. In a few days, we'll try to post a "found" list on the FSGW website.

As anyone who was there knows, we're contemplating at least two alternate venues in the future. Anyone with feedback is welcome to message me. Even folks who were at the Getaway for the first time--I find your reactions informative, especially since you came in without preconceived opinions, not knowing what to expect. (Many FSGW locals have been to Prince William before). I'll admit to all the failings of the camp facilities. Next year, if we're still there, we'll remind people to bring portable folding chairs to sit in at the lodges, and a chamberpot to cut down on those cold, wet runs to the latrines in the wee wee hours of the morning. And let me apologize for the long lines at mealtimes, especially lunch--chalk it up to the inexperience of feeding almost 150 hungry mouths in that small space.

I hope that everyone who came for the first time this year will come back next year (and the years after that, too), and that those of you who are kicking yourself for missing it will make it next year.

-Charlie Baum