The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71708 Message #1228987
Posted By: GUEST,Learaí na Láibe
19-Jul-04 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: The Spanish-Irish Connection
Subject: RE: Folklore: The Spanish-Irish Connection
AFAIK the story of significant numbers of Spanish settling in Ireland following the floundering of vessels from the Armada is just a romantic myth with no historical backup. Many of the survivors were massacred by both the English and Irish in Ireland. Those that received a warmer welcome hightailed it back to Spain ASAP. If a small number did remain and intermarried with the natives it is unlikely that they would have had any significant effect on the national bloodline after 4 centuries.
As for sailors or fishermen settling in any numbers in Irish ports, where is the evidence? Where are the Spanish surnames?
The myth of the black Irish? I doubt if many Irish in Ireland have heard of this. Did it originate in the U.S. perhaps? Irish features and hair colouring vary from nordic blond to curly dark Mediterranean types, most somewhere in between.
Folk music. A great number of Irish served in British regiments during the Peninsular war in Spain in the period before Waterloo. A great many songs have come from that war including the 'Bantry Girls' Lament'. However I have never heard it suggested that the type of ballad was influenced by Spanish singing traditions, I think they just fit into the usual style popular in Britain and Ireland at the time. However I'm not a scholar and am open to correction.
Fear Faire, I found your post most informative.
I hope we're not discouraging your research Adolfo. It's definately worth looking into. Let us know how you get on.