The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1228988
Posted By: GUEST,Act Up!
19-Jul-04 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: BS: What causes AIDS?
Well, what a friggin' crock of crap tirade by the good professor Harari of the Weismann Institute of Science, whatever that

It is filled will screwy thinking.

Fir instance, he says more people die of AIDS in Africa every day than died on 9/11, 'er whatever he was trying to say. This makes this ol' hillbilly really mad to hear this crap. (But, Bobert, them Aficans f**k like rabbits. The'll f**k anything that moves. They're just a bunch of bone through the nose savages...)

Well, there's one of the largest lies being told. Make Bush's lies seem like little white lies. Actually, in spite of professor Harari's not-so-extensive research is that not only do most Africans **not** "f**k like rabbits, but that they test positive for AIDS because they are grossly malnourished from the abject poverty, lack of food, clean water and health care... Like does the good professor klnow that medically a malnourished individual can test positive for AIDS? Heck no, he doesn't, because he isn't too informed or enlightened...

The above passage (sic) was written by Bobert in an anti-Israeli rant in the latest Mudcat Middle East thread. Commenting on the ridiculousness of Bobert's misinformation on AIDS belongs in a thread of its own.

To begin with, the Israeli professor is absolutely correct and Bobert is absolutely wrong about the numbers of AIDS deaths in Africa every day. In 2002, more than 2.4 million people in sub-Sahara Africa died of AIDS. That works out to more than 6,575 people per day. Far more than the 2800 hundred who were murdered in the events of 9/11.

Bobert goes on to say that most Africans with AIDS have AIDS because they are malnourished. That is absolutely false.

Malnutrition is a huge problem in Africa. However, HIV infection, through exposure in the blood is the sole cause of AIDS. Malnutrion further weakens the body's immune system so that full blown AIDS will manifest itself sooner in someone who is malnourished. However, contrary to what Bobert says, no one gets AIDS from malnutrition.

Please ignore the false and dangerous information being propagated by Bobert. There is extensive information available at the AIDS in Africa website.

The AIDS in Africa website.