The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1229224
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jul-04 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
Ouch, GUEST!

Well, gol dangit, since when were math and physics the only honorable stuff to learn? Shoot, everybody has to get about the same crap the first couple of years 'er so... Don't matter if ya want to help people 'er blow 'um up...

2 English, 2 lits, 2 psychs, 2 maths, 2 sciences, 2 poli-scis, maybe a couple economics, etc... By the time ya get done with the basics yer lookin' at about 60 'er 70 credit hours behind ya... Then you get a few tough 300 level course in yer major and the 400 course, should you get that far you can cruise thru...

But I'll tell ya what, if I gotta spend the rest o' my life on a desert island wid either a math major or a social work major, I'll take the latter, thank you...

And so would the Wes Ginny Slide Rule..

But a big ol' pie-r-squared to ya anyway...

Yo, mary garvey... Abstainence is not reasonable or realistic solution no matter how much you happen to believe in it. This is the real world. With that said I don't believe you are considering what a lot of folks allready are beginning to talk about: the "so called" AIDS epedemic in Africa may very well not be that at all but the effects of a lot of folks starving to death and without fresh water to drink. Can you at least consider that maybe we are not being told the truth?
Like Ellenpoly pointed out above. There are alot of other diseases which will produce positives for AIDS that are prevalent in Africa. TB being one biggie... But you might want to look back over that list and think how many of these conditions might be related to... or worsened to a lack of food and water and adequate housing and bad medical care, etc...
