The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1229313
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jul-04 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
"those millions of people afflicted in Africa", Amergin, may not be afflicted with AIDS... I don't mean to sound flip here but, what if the reason they were deing was because of TB, malaria or other diseases which are compounded by starvation and lack of clean water which can produce a false positive for AIDS?

Have you completely ruled out this scenerio because of the analysis by Western "medical" community's near-sightedness? Sure, this has been the *only* story but it may very well not be the correct story since so many other diseases can effect these tests.

Yeah, everyone seems real concerned about AIDS and they should be, I'd like to see at least as much attention paid to the human suffering for which we are 100% sure how to cure: food, clean water for starters...

I don't mean to minimalize the devestation of having or knwing someone with AIDS as I have now lost two good friends to the disease but I'm getting just a tad tired, to be repeating myself, of folks who refuse to even consider that AIDS isn't quite the boogieman its been made out to be in the tagedy in Africa... Oh sure, it makes for a convient story. Nice and tidy but it might be flawed and if so then maybe the world needs to rethink its strategy...
