The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71566   Message #1229314
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
19-Jul-04 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: List of troublemakers on Mudcat.........
Subject: RE: BS: List of troublemakers on Mudcat.........
Matt should be on the list for unashamedly bringing up ELO at every opportunity. I suspect he has a shrine to Jeff Lynde in his basement.

Big Mick should be there because of his open consorting with female apes and repeated attempts to insert his number 12 brogand shoe up Conrad Bladey's Peasant ass. I would also, for once, agree with the Republican Party that he is indeed "a smartass son of a bitch"

Spaw should be there because he's exactly the kind of person who will fart in an elevator and continue to innocently peruse his copy of HotRod magazine. He has done the same sort of thing repeatedly on this forum (figruatively, not literally).

Little Hawk deserves a place for hammering us all over the head with a certain sci-fi ham actor until we break out in cold sweats at the very mention of

gargoyle should be there because not only is he a nasty piece of work but he persists in printing comments in such small type I have to resort to bifocals to read them.

McGrath should be there because he has often had the insolence to actually disagree with me and, on a few horrible occasions, to prove me wrong. I really hate that kind of thing.