The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1229500
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jul-04 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
Danged, Augie, I thought it was my bad knee actin' up... Well, I ain't no stranger to shakey ground...

Ahhhh, as fir feeling that yer degree ain't worth as much as a social workers? Next time I got a tooth ache I ain't callin' no social worker...

I will say that social work may sound glorious to some but it ain't. Most of the case load I worked with came directly from Central State Hospital in Petersburg, Va. Most of these folks had been in and out of mental hospitals. Most, no matter what I could do for them, would end up back in mental hospitals. Then came the Reagan administration and the massive cuts in Title XX funds that were used to purchase services, such as adult day care, companion serices, mental health serives, transporation, etc. and all Hell broke loose. That was the beginning of America's homelessness epidemic. Social workers were scrubbing floors and cooking meals and chenging dressings and taking blankets out to folks at night in the dead of winter... Yeah, it wasn't too glamourous at all.

One day I got a call from rooming house I had one of my "clients" in and the landlord was screaming at me that my client had gone into the shared bathroom and decorated the ceilings and walls with his own ith feceses (poop) and, in order to keep that rooming house (which I needed to keep) I had to get the guy out and clean up the mess... Didn't get home until well past midnight that night after getting a Green Warrent when the guy threatened to kill me, getting it served and cleaning all that crap outta that bathroom... No glamour there...

I'm sure that dentistry has its nasty parts but...

Awww, nevermind...
