The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71751   Message #1229516
Posted By: Billy the Bus
19-Jul-04 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Subject: RE: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Serendipity! F9/11 premieres here in NZ tonight. This morning Lila Lipscomb was interviewed on our national witrless - an interesting lady. I guess after a life of 'patriotism' it took peronal tragedy to 'open her eyes'.

Back in the 60s I won a government sponsored lottery - the prize? A paid holiday In the Army. Our version of conscription for 20yr old males consisted of drawing 'lucky' birthdays by ballot. I quite enjoyed the training. BUT.. at the same time I was quite heavily involved in anti-Vietnam protest, especially a visit by LBJ to NZ too whip up supporrt for more troops. At one stage my unit was on 24-hour notice to go. I was set to go 'bush' insted.

During training we had a political pep-talk on Vietnam and the 'Domino Theory'. I was sitting up the back with senior NCO instructors who'd seen service in WWII, Korea and Malaya. Their sardonic comments about "This one's different" were interesting, to say the least. Iraq's 'even more different'.

Anyway... all the above, and what's gone on since, is why I moved here, as far as I can get from the madness in the rest of the world 25 years ago. Lila Lipscomb's viewpoint was indeed interesting to listen to...

Cheers - Sam - Stewart Island (NZ)