The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71751   Message #1229558
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jul-04 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Subject: RE: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Well, I ain't gonna get into this thing too far but as fir me and my 60's cohorts, we was like brothers to those who went to Nam. I ran a rock joint in Richmond and we sent a driver down to Fort Lee (30 miles south) to fetch our brothers in arms to come to out events. Also did draft counseling. I wouldn't have thought in a milllion yeras to say anything offensive to my Nam brothers...

Weren't no spittin', no calls o' "baby killers" 'er nuthin from out anti war group... Maybe we was more enlightened in Richmond, Va. but we knew who was sending our friends and brothers to Nam.

Now I'm sure this sort of stuff happened but, as much as I love my brother Rap, I'd say that alot of the spiters were governemnt plants who were trying to divide us... We had folks on our campus who was plants. They said all kinds of stupid stuff and tried to incite us. Firget it. Martin Luther King didn't teach us to take out our frustrations for crappy policies on our brothers and guys we grew up playing ball with...

Now, Rap, I apologize to you from the majority of those of us of the anti-war movement for the redneck assholes that called you names. They do not represent the majority of us and at the time were nuthin' but the jerks that most of us tried to distance ourselves from. And I know I am speaking for the vast majority of those of us who were against the Vietnam War.

And those jerks were loosers then and if you were to follow those types of folks you'd find that they are still loosers...
