The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1229650
Posted By: Ellenpoly
20-Jul-04 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
I really hate to have to post right after "white boy" but maybe it will take away some of the bad taste...

I just had to come back here, especially after reading the thread for which Bobert was first attacked and then reading this thread.

You guys! Is it so hard to see that what Bobert is saying is not all that different from what most of you are saying?

I know by now not to be fooled by his "aw shuks, ahm jest an ole hillbilly" camouflage. Truth is that he is a deep thinking and feeling individual, and what he theorizes here is not to be taken lightly.

We would be pretty naive to believe that the issue of AIDs, especially in Africa, is clear cut. By now it should be pretty obvious that there are a lot of agendas going on out there, both politically and medically.

At NO time did Bobert say there wasn't a huge problem with AIDs. All he is implying (if I've followed this correctly) is that there is a good chance that some cases have been misdiagnosed, and that it is a lot easier to deal with such a devastating state of affairs as exists in Africa by trying to blanket it over with only ONE disease.

Of course this is a social and cultural issue, as well as a political and medical one. That's the point. There are so many fronts on which this has to be fought and won, and to dismiss the very possible chance that there are people in the wings on every continent who are more concerned with what THEY want out of all this, than what the African nations need, would be naive indeed.
