The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037   Message #1229683
Posted By: black walnut
20-Jul-04 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
We are awake (and repacking) in Munster, after a flight last night consisting of one huge giggle fit. We should be embarrassed I suppose, but it was a lot of fun and they´ll never see us again anyway.

I suppose it would be best to NOT inquire as to the shape and colour of the items found under the bed. Please use your good judgement as to weather you think they are worth the postage for a voyage across the sea. A description in a private message may be helpful.

It is a very good thing that our time in Virgin was severely limited. I escaped with major damage, but not buried yet. Khatt, you will be surely pleased to know that we found some room in Lisa´s carry on for a new skirt she bought at the Stanstead airport!!!!   

Micca, do you think that I was being CAREFUL??? Hey everyone, MICCA WENT TO CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :-)

More later. I must move along. Lisa wants to go out to buy a few bottles of Fanta pop to take back to Canada. Oy.
