The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1229778
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jul-04 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
Ahhhhh, thanks fir the assist there, Ellenpolly. Yeah, I mighta got one to many gol-danged's in there and throwed everybody off. I don't know. But you stated what I was tryin' to say purdy danged good with a whole lot less o' that bombastic stuff that harpy said Iz afflicterate with...

An' thankee fir them kind words although if you had to walk around fir a day wid my brain you might reconsider that deep thinkin' stuff, 'er thinkin' in general. See, up here in these mountains they got laws 'gainst thinkin'... They catch you doing it an' yer gonna have to explainerate to the majestrate...

"You been thinkin', boy?"

"Well, yes sir but I ain't thunk..."

And yo, white boy... opps, nice boy. Yo mama never told you not to have swx with them green apes? Where yo live, anyway, where folks don't know when an ape is ripe for love? Green'll get you a 45 minute to an hour's wait in the doctors office every time. And that's the easy part. It's them two big shots, one in each cheek, that ain't no fun at all. Now get away from them green apes, youngin. Ya hear?
