The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1229863
Posted By: Peace
20-Jul-04 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
I had understood that the suspected initial cause of transmission to humans was from a young boy who had been BITTEN by a green monkey. The ridiculous assumption by that idiot above who talked about sex between monkey and human is a misunderstanding that persists amongst the ill-informed--and something that likely causes his wet dreams.

The methods of transmission are fairly clear today, but the mechanism of transmission not so. The disease was rampant amongst homosexual men, but it has spread to heterosexuals. The notion that AIDS was caused by homosexuality is erroneous. Once it entered the human population, it was simply a matter of time before it spread. And spread it has. What is most unfortunate is the ignorance that surrounds the issue of AIDS, and the ignorance with which people are labeled and despised. What is even scarier is that AIDS is again on the rise. It seems many kids today are not putting a raincoat on Mr Happy, and kids are of the mistaken belief that oral sex isn't really sex--Clinton didn't help on this one--so there's nothing to worry about.

The travesty that overtook blood services (basically, lax quality control) has helped with the spread, although it seems to be improving. That is little consolation to recipients of blood infected with hepatitis or the AIDS virus.

Amergin's remark notwithstanding, AIDS is a way to depopulate areas of the world, and I wouldn't put it past some of the sick bastards who think up ways to effect world domination to use this (or any other method) to achieve their goals. I do think that AIDS is being used as a bio-economic weapon, and in that regard, Bobert's remarks should be read for intent.