The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43493   Message #1229916
Posted By: GUEST,Suz
20-Jul-04 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: CD player repair
Subject: RE: CD player repair
I ordered a CD on The merchant who filled the order never mentioned in his ad that the CD had a stabilizer ring on it. When it arrived he had enclosed a note telling me oh, by the way, this CD has a stabilizer ring on it. He assured me I would have no problems getting it to play on any CD player.

I inserted the CD into my player, which was a Pioneer, only 2 or 3 years, and it made horrible noises and got stuck. My Pioneer holds 25 CDs and they are loaded into the vertical position. Obviously, the stabilizer ring made the CD too thick to be played. Now, none of my CDs will play.

I am trying to find out how much it will cost to repair the player. Any suggestions for the Phoenix area?