The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1229959
Posted By: Amergin
20-Jul-04 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
So what group is suppose to have created this disease? If it was in a lab how come it was traced back to Africa? How come the first actually documented cases were European health workers and rich Africans? One of the first European deaths was a lesbian Danish woman. She received it due to lack of proper medical supplies...and sterilisation equipment. If you wish to look for a conspiracy in this epidemic, then look for where it actually resides, a republican administration that didn't think AIDS was worth researching because it was only getting the fags, junkies, and whores; the lack of media coverage due to the same reasons sighted above; the refusal of the gay communities across the country to recognise the problem for what it is as they feared it was really just something cooked up by the government to crack down on gay behaviours; the lack of attention from the medical community as they just thought it was from a mixture of the drugs, crisco, and other behaviours of the gay community; and the list goes on.

If you are looking for a government lab that supposedly created this dreadful disease, then you may as well search for the men in black and those who actually shot JFK. This erroneous and ill founded thinking is nothing but a conspiracy theory at its most asinine.