The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71708 Message #1230023
Posted By: ard mhacha
20-Jul-04 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: The Spanish-Irish Connection
Subject: RE: Folklore: The Spanish-Irish Connection
Good on you Learai na Laibe for bringing a wee bit of commonsense into this thread. My US relations often came up with this clap-trap about Spanish blood in their veins and they would constantly refer to the "black Irish" a term never ever used in Ireland. Another thread on this subject also brought this rubbish up about the survivors from the Armada, Google on to "Ireland graveyard of the Spanish Armada. by TP Kilfeather, for information on the poor wretches that had the bad luck to make it on to a western beach and then meet with a horrible death from the Irish inhabitants.
The only recorded survivor to make his way back to Spain was a Captain Cuellar, as I told my US relations the black looks may have been inherited from the survivors of the Middle Passage, not entirely met with approval.