The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037 Message #1230025
Posted By: black walnut
20-Jul-04 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
Thanks Khatt. Elbowing the crowds on Oxford Street was a definite ´necessity´. I´ve hired my own 747 to get everything home.
Thanks also to Micca for the CD of photos. If he ever shows anyone those terrible ones of me, I´ll throw him into the Thames river. Other than that, they are great photos and I really appreciate having the descriptions along with them.
I´m sitting here thinking of trifle for some reason. Must stop that. Liz makes more fantastic desserts than the corner bakery. Paul, I wish I´d heard you multi-instrumentalize - that would have been a sweet treat as well.
To the rest....I didn´t realize that the English were still into bowing and kissing ladies´ hands. You learn something new every day.