The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1230322
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jul-04 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
This isn't a Bush thing other than the program that he announced during the State of the Union Address last year, which at the time sounded real good which is poorly funded and mismanaged... Like you said, Jeri, you can't understand how a mis-diagnosis would further nayones political careeer, so I am very much *not* making these suggestions for political reasons... Heck, I'm a Green Party person so I'm not too wild about John Kerry, who BTW, also isn't talking about this...

But folks are talking about this. It just doesn't make the news and won't...

I'm not trying to politicize medicine at all but suggesting that for various reasons the AMA folks are stickin' to their story like agood ol' boy network. Why won't they answer the questions that raise the doubts. Many of the questions have come from medical people in addition to Gary Null. What so you think (Dr.) Null just decided to make this up? Waht do you think he doesn't know, ahhhh, real doctors and read, ahhhh, real medical books? Heck, he's a lot smarter feller than a lot of MD's that I know. He is an avid reader and researcher in the field of medicine and alternative medicine...

I mean if you could point to some clear advantage that some politican that I support could get out my attempts to pass on some underlying concerns of some of the medical community then I'd just throw up my arms and say, "Ya got me!", but you can't because I have no other motive than to get some folks to think beyond what the AMA company line. And other than this, I don't have any particular beef with the AMA so again: no motive...

What I do know is that Africans have been and continue to be some of the most exploited people in the world and tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to benefiting from either their labor or resources. So if your going to find the big Bibert conspiracy theory maybe this is where it lies? Maybe, just maybe, we're seeing business as usual in Africa and if so, it's wrong. Notice I said "if" and that "if" is not inconsistent with what I have been saying all along. No squirrel in the road here and none need to be invented...

Now, "if" this is business as usual then, yeah, there is a conspiracy. No, not one that folks who are part of even realize because after centuries of exploitation, racism and streotypical thinking of the colonial powers (us and our frienda) that we have perhaps developed a a culture of thinking that cahnges the way we process information about Africans... I said "culture" here so again I'm not trying to politcize this because "culture" tends to transcend political parties....

And then we look at the Western world and culture that really doesn't understand the African too well, nor wants to for that matter, and doesn't have a clue, or so they claim, how to get Robert Mugabe to distribute the donated food to hungry Zimbabweans or how to prevent the starvation of upwards of a million of Sudanese people...

Well, I'm suggesting that the colonial cultural thinking of the West doesn't have a clue when it come to Africa and perhaps somewhere in this culture is the West's motivation to find easy answers in Africa. If there were as many sick folks in Europe would we be taking the same approach? I think not. But its not in Europe and so lets just keep it easy...

Problem is that when it comes down the molecular level, there are a lot of very sick Africans who are not being treated, nor fed, nor have clean places to live, nor have clean water to drink and bath in and should we one day look back at this chapter of Earth and find that because of cultural factors we chose to take the easy way out by blaming the victims fir their situation fir *** having sex*** (whether or not they actually did, or had AIDS as a result...) this will be a very sad chapter indeed...

There are medical people who are saying that we may have this one wrong. This ain't about politics or the United States or really any soveign nation but about a human tradegy that we, who have the resources, are collectively mishandling.

Even if every person who the AMA model says has AIDS, has AIDS, this is still a major tradegy...

I'm not going to post any more to this thread since I have said all I know to say but I will close with one thought. At least the medical folks who are raising the questions, no mater who is right or wrong, in raising them they are at least rattling a culture that needs to be rattled and maybe in doing so people will get beyond, "Oh, they are just a bunch of Africans..."

The end of the Bobert's participation on this thread unless I have new scientific inforamtion which I think will provide helpful. I am absolutely *spent* in trying to get folks out of the business-as-usual-for-Africans mindsets...
