The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71823   Message #1231220
Posted By: The Walrus
22-Jul-04 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Translation from the British
Subject: RE: BS: Translation from the British
Terry Pratchett is a best selling author of 'fantasy' books, mostly set on a flat world (the Discworld) carried on the backs of four elephants standing, in turn on the back of a giant turtle swimming through space - He is reputed to be the most shop-lifted author in the UK.

Wooden-Tops: As stated, this nickname for the uniformed police comes from the CID, implying that the uniforms can't think for themselves and I think transferred from the Army, where the same nickname as, on occasion, been applied to the Guards Division based on the comparison between Guardsmen in full dress and toy soldiers (This must be post 1919 as before 1914 all regiments had full dress and between 1914 & 1918, none had.)
