The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14352   Message #123123
Posted By: Allan C.
12-Oct-99 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
I feel compelled to relate just one more thing. I was overwhelmed by the enormous degree of talent displayed at the Getaway. The talents were evidenced in a wide variety of ways. Some had voices which were truly amazing to hear. Some played instruments with great skill. Some didn't do either but brought wonderful songs to share, many of which I am sure none of us had ever heard before. Others only chimed in on the choruses or hummed a good bass line or harmony. A few demonstrated great interpersonal skills while chatting over dinner or a cup of coffee. An impressive number showed vast knowledge of world history or of folk artists and their recordings. Some brought and played rare and unusual musical instruments. Many took the time to interact with the children and teens who were there in a way that I think was very appreciated.

Yes, every single person there made good use of one talent or another throughout the weekend. Altogether the talents made for an outstanding event. I thank all of you who came for making it such a memorable time for us all.