The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14352   Message #123155
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Oct-99 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
I made it home at 3:30 a.m. this morning. Ran into Sandy, Caroline and Karen at the Cracker Barrel and we decided to do our "Cholesterol Bullet" thing. That is Chicken Fried Steak, grits, and biscuits and gravy. We also threw in some over easy eggs. Waddya think, Sandy, have we started a tradition here? Didn't leave until 2:30 p.m. or so. I still had 12 1/2 hours to go. The trip to the gathering was 20 hours. I had to leave from a point that is several hundred miles north of where I live due to a job assignment. I had plotted the course using the quickest route setting on AAA Map 'n Go. If you have this program, download it to disk and send it to your worst enemy. It routed me along Route 250. That is a very scenic route which contains switchbacks through the mountains. Then to add to the misery, the car broke down on a blind curve on a mountain road at 2:30 Saturday morning. I kept waiting for somebody coming from the bar to take me out. I finally found a twist tie and managed to jury rig the vehicle and arrived at the gathering at 8 a.m. I stopped for one 45 minute nap along the way. So, one might ask, was it worth it...................YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. I had every intention of taking a nap, but the adrenalin started running the minute I got there. All these old friends waiting to be met. And such hospitality. The FSGWers took us in, fed us, and treated us in a very gracious manner.

The first session I dropped in on was Father JoeBro leading one on campfire songs. I didn't have a campfire song, so I sang a Dublin street song. Then my Guild and I headed for "Music Of The Mudcat". As I am walking up the porch, I was greeted very warmly by the 'Catters. It was wonderful.

KathWestra has a beautiful voice and I determined immediately that I had to sing with her.

I watched Rita Ferrarra play beautiful music. And Grandpa Paton is spot on when he says she has a wonderful smile. She warms the cockles of me heart with it. A wonderful person.

Caroline and Sandy are, of course, just as wonderful as they are here. Watch out Sandy, I have my eye on that woman of yours. Madly in love with her. But come to think of it, I am in love with you as well. You both are special to me. I can see why Rick considers you his family.

Allan C. did a song in Portuguese that was wonderful........If he is self conscious about his singing or guitar technique, it is without merit. He has a fine voice and very good guitar technique. I found myself wanting to learn the technique he used.

Barry Finn has a strong voice and a great repertoire. And he loves to screw with big guys. As I was getting ready to sing, I was mentioning that I was knocked out to be here with such great old friends just met. He pops up and says, "Fall down lateh, now is the time to sing". I chuckled about it all the way home.
Beebs and Duane were wonderful from the get go. I enjoyed them all through the weekend. I can say nothing better than to say we will be friends for a long time.

Moonchild is a rare find. She has a beautiful voice and plays her guitar wonderfully. And we are destined to be great friends. But then, that is true about all of the 'Catters.

Joe Offer is exactly as you would imagine. He was one of the first, if not the first, friends that I made here. His repertoire of camp songs is huge. And probably one of the nicest, and most genuine people on could meet.............Now if I can just get him to stop trying to get me to behave. I have tried that and I get bored..........LOL.

Bert ..........I am so glad to know you. This is a gentle soul that one canna help but be friends with. A perfectly lovely gent, who sings great songs.

Max........I don't know if I want to lecture him or worship him.........guess we will just be friends. Such an amazing YOUNG man. But he has an old soul. And just about as good a man as you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. Git yer arse up here, lad, we have fishing to do.

Jeri is one of the nicest ever. Another one who felt selfconscious of her talent. No need for that, my dear. I was part of a session after the Saturday night session and I hear this lovely voice in the corner. It was our Jeri. And a bit later, she hauled out her fiddle and was super. I determined that I had to try and make music with her. She obliged by joining KathWestra and I in performing "Far From Their Homes" at the Sunday night concert. At one point I choked up while singing this very emotional song. She immediately moved in and covered with her fiddle while I composed meself. She and Kath were wonderful and I am grateful for their accompaniment on this wonderful song.

Karen is a joy. She was there with kind words and encouragement at every step of the way. A wonderful person........even though she did break the kitchen at Cracker Barrel..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......She ordered a hamburg and they had a helluva time getting it to her.

Dan and Bonnie Milner are simply one of the most talented couples that I have ever had the pleasure of being around. That woman can sing a shanty, the blues, a name it and she can do it. They bill themselves as Mrs. and Mr. Milner. She is marvelous, and gracious. I really enjoyed coming to know her. And our Liam's Brother, Dan Milner, reinforced what I have already known. My fellow 'Catters, I have been listening to the music of my people for my entire life. I have heard many fine singers. You will simply not find anyone anywhere that is better than Dan Milner. He has an amazing voice which he backs up with incredible technique. Clearly this man takes his singing seriously. I feel so privileged to have been able to hear him. He asked me to come and sing some in his Celtic songs workshop. I must tell you that I was somewhat fearful to sing in the presence of such a fine singer. But he makes you feel so welcome that I was entirely at ease. Dan............thanks for becoming my friend. I am reminded of how you put yourself out for my friend while he was in NYC. While it didn't work out, you went beyond the pale in trying to accomodate him. I am grateful. And you were a special part of this weekend for us all.

One of the most special moments came for me after we performed "Far From Their Homes" on Sunday night. Ed Trickett took me outside and gave me a new song that he had heard. The folk tradition at its best. Here I am, just a guy from Michigan who loves the music, out sitting on the hood of a car with ED TRICKETT, learning a new song. I was overcome by the thought of this, Dan Milner, Sandy and Caroline, and all the other great talents, and I was there participating with them. This was an amazing weekend that I will never forget.

I know I have left things out, and people out, and I apologize for that. I will post more later as it comes to me. I have a 7 year old who wants to go fishing. Suffice it to say that this weekend will affect me for years. As an experience, it was validating and it was warm with the love of friendship shared. Shared between old friends just met, and new friends that I will have for the rest of my life. Thanks to all of you.

All the best,

Big Mick